All Natural Remedies for Back Pain

blog Dec 29, 2014

Back Pain | ComprehensivePainManagementCenter.comAccording to some estimates, nine out of ten adults experience back pain at some point in their lives, making it one of the most common medical complaints in the world. While chronic back pain may be a sign of a more serious medical condition and should be reported to a doctor, there are many all natural remedies for back pain.

Natural Remedies for Back Pain


RegularExercise | exercise has a number of different benefits when dealing with back pain. Stretching helps loosen tense back muscles and ligaments, while building strength gives you a straighter poster and keeps back problems from compounding. Furthermore, the endorphins released when you exercise act as a natural pain killer so you may find that you feel better immediately after exercising.

Temperature Therapy

Alternating hot and cold compresses is an easy way to treat back pain. First apply a cold pack to the affected area to reduce inflammation and numb the pain. After about ten minutes, switch to a hot pack. Heat stimulates blood flow and brings healing nutrients to the affected area, and also soothes pain in the long run. You should alternate hot and cold several times to achieve the best possible results.


Massage Therapy | ComprehensivePainManagementCenter.comA lot of back pain is caused by cramped or overworked muscles, problems that can often be treated with professional massage. Be sure to talk to your massage therapist before you begin your session to discuss the nature of your pain. He or she may want to concentrate on the area that hurts the most.

Capacin Treatments

Capacin is an oil found in chili peppers that also acts as a numbing agent. Applying a cream or lineament with capacin as the key ingredient can help treat back pain. However, remember that capacin can only mask the pain and rarely actually works as a long term treatment.

If you are tired of a sore or stiff back, try one of these natural remedies for back pain to get your life back on track.


By Dr. James  Lin
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