Archive for "Back Pain"

Disc Denervation Offers Minimally Invasive Back Pain Relief

Back Pain, Back Pain Treatments, blog Feb 26, 2016 No Comments

Disc Denervation Offers Minimally Invasive Back Pain Relief | Comprehensive Pain Management Center

Back pain is one of the most common types of pain experienced. It is estimated that 80 percent of people in the United States will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives.

One of the most common reasons for pain is the discs that separate the 33 vertebrae in the spine. These discs are soft and provide support to the many bones and nerves that run through the spine. Unfortunately, when one or more of these discs herniate, it results in pain and irritation. Disc denervation is an effective way to treat the pain that results from problems with the spinal discs.


A thin needle is first inserted into the skin that provides an anesthetic to numb the skin and underlying tissue. Next, a radiofrequency needle is used under the direction of a real-time x-ray to locate the irritated nerves. A special dye is then used to locate the exact area that is causing the pain. Using the radiofrequency needle, heat is distributed to the correct nerves, causing them to become dull. The needle is then removed from the back and a bandage is placed onto the skin. The entire process takes less than an hour.


The procedure is successful in treating back pain in 60 to 70 percent of patients. Those who have success with the procedure experience:

  • Increased mobility
  • Dramatic improvements in quality of life
  • Increased physical function

The procedure is minimally invasive and is done outside of the hospital. Very little recovery time is required and most patients can resume normal activity within days of the procedure. Because real-time x-rays are used to deliver the heat, there is very little risk to other nerves becoming damaged.


All medical procedures carry some risks, which include bleeding, infection or nerve damage. These risks are rare in disc denervation and have occurred in less than one percent of patients.

Your spine must support your entire body, making it susceptible to damage and pain. Disc denervation can help reduce or eliminate this pain completely, helping you to resume your regular activities once again.


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3 Natural Remedies for Back Pain

Back Pain, blog Feb 08, 2016 No Comments

3 Natural Remedies for Back Pain | Comprehensive Pain Management Center

Back pain is a common health problem that can strike at any age. Often, this pain is caused by a combination of problems that may include an injury, obesity and poor posture. Although it can be frustrating to experience nagging pain with every movement, there are several natural remedies for back pain that can help you find relief.

Massage Therapy

The healing power of human touch is a powerful tool for managing pain. Massage therapy is one of the most common natural remedies for back pain and can be used to treat lower pain as well as pain associated with sciatica and herniated discs. In addition to loosening tense muscles, a massage can relieve emotional tension and anxiety. Since stress can intensify pain, this remedy treats both the physical and mental causes of your discomfort. It is important to note, however, that a therapeutic massage should only be administered by a professional that understands the underlying reason for your back pain.

Exercise and Weight Management

The combination of a lack of exercise and obesity can contribute to lax muscles and ligaments that are unable to support the spine. For this reason, those who struggle with chronic pain in their back will need to maintain an appropriate weight to reduce the strain on their spine. In addition to eating a healthy diet and performing general cardiovascular exercises, you can do special back exercises that also help strengthen the core muscles to provide the right type of support.

Chiropractor Treatments

Chiropractors use spinal manipulations to realign the parts of your body that are contributing to the pain. This often involves manipulating a joint toward the end of its clinical range of motion, which can cause a harmless popping sound. However, this is a safe non-invasive procedure that can provide prompt relief. Some pain sufferers experience relief in as little as one session while others may require ongoing sessions to find complete relief.

When back pain occurs, it is important to take a full-on approach to eliminating the cause and providing your body with the support it needs to heal. By utilizing a combination of methods, you will be able to relieve the pain quickly while preventing future instances from occurring.

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Chronic Pain Sufferers Overuse OTC Medication Survey Results

Back Pain, blog Jan 26, 2016 No Comments

Chronic Pain Sufferers Overuse OTC Medication Survey Results | Comprehensive Pain Management Center


In a recent AGA-commissioned poll of adults over 30 found that 43% of chronic pain sufferers have knowingly taken more than the recommended dosage of over-the-counter pain medicine. An overdose of these medicines can cause stomach bleeding, ulcers, and liver damage.

Another finding from the survey was that 38%  of those polled were unaware that combining multiple NSAIDs or multiple acetaminophen products increases the risk of serious health complications.

Click here to read the full article by Robert Preidt.

Preventing Back Pain and Discomfort

Back Pain, Back Pain Treatments Dec 11, 2015 No Comments

Preventing Back Pain and Discomfort | Comprehensive Pain Management Center

The American Association of Neurological Surgeons reports that 75 to 85 percent of Americans will experience back pain in their lives, especially in the lower back or lumbar region. While this pain can get debilitating for workers and athletes, there are a number of things you can for preventing back pain and discomfort.

Eat A Healthy Diet

A well-balanced diet can help you in preventing back pain because it reduces inflammation in back muscles and bones. Eat more alkaline foods such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, celery, cantaloupes, berries and almonds. Alkaline foods provide more nutrients and oxygen to your body cells, which can better help you prevent back pain.

Maintain Proper Posture

If you always walk around slump-shouldered or sit in awkward positions a work, you’re given an open invitation to back pain. Hold your shoulders back when you walk and sit up straight at your work cubicle. Invest in an ergonomic chair or equipment.

Avoid Heavy Lifting

Don’t play Superman and try to lift heavy objects, even if you’re young and strong. Get assistance when carrying heavy objects or make multiple trips. When lifting objects off the floor, bend your knees and lift with your legs. Use a lifting belt if you must lift heavier objects at work.

Lose Weight

Extra weight puts more stress on your legs and back, which can cause back pain. Check the recommended weight charts and BMIs for your gender and height. And diet down to a weight more suitable for your frame. Join a weight loss center for assistance or contact your doctor for recommendations.

Exercise On Regular Basis

Perform stretching and resistance exercises for your back several times per week. One stretching exercise is to lie on the floor and pull one leg toward your chest with the other one extended. Alternate legs and repeat ten times. You can also pull both legs to your chest. Strengthen your back by pressing your lower back to the floor with your knees bent. Also, lift your buttocks off the floor while in the same position.

If you make a conscious effort to follow these tips, you can successfully start preventing back pain and discomfort that befalls others who don’t.

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Doctor’s Tips for Back Pain

Back Pain, Back Pain Treatments Dec 04, 2015 No Comments

Doctor’s Tips for Back Pain | Comprehensive Pain Management Center

There are millions of people who suffer from back pain. It is so easy to strain the back or get a back injury. For those who suffer from pain, finding relief is essential. Fortunately, the pain can be relieved and even possibly stopped by following a few back pain tips from doctors. These doctor’s tips for back pain are things that are very well known in the medical field and agreed upon by most doctors to really help those suffering from back pain.

Lose Weight

Being overweight puts a lot of strain on the body, especially the back. Extra weight in the stomach area causes a pull on the back, making it go out of alignment and stressing all the muscles in the stomach and back area. By losing some weight and reducing the extra weight being carried in the stomach, natural relief occurs and can greatly reduce any pain felt in the back.

Stop Smoking

It is fairly well-known that smoking causes many health issues., but you may not be aware that it can affect your back. If you have suffered an injury or had surgery on your back, smoking will slow down your body’s ability to heal. Additionally, if you have some type of issue that is progressive, smoking can actually spread up its progression. It is a good idea to quit smoking no matter what, but if you suffer from back issues, stopping smoking could help you to feel much better.

Stay Active

When you are suffering from pain, it may be natural to want to move as little as possible. In some cases, rest is a good thing, but for chronic back pain, being active can actually be much better. For example, stretching the hamstrings daily can go a long ways towards helping relieve back pain. Additionally, aerobic activity helps to improve your cardiovascular health, which in turn gets blood flowing better to injured areas and will help you heal. If your doctor approves, you should be stretching daily and getting some aerobic activity at least three times a week.

Following these three tips for back pain from doctors can go a long way towards helping to reduce or relieve your back pain. Losing weight, stopping smoking and staying active are all things you can do for yourself that will improve your health and help fight back pain.

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You Can Leave Your Pain Behind

Back Pain Oct 29, 2015 No Comments

 You Can Leave Your Pain Behind | Comprehensive Pain Management Center

Constant pain can rule over your life. It can make you feel like you are not yourself anymore. With the help of a pain management doctor, you can start to feel better and find yourself again. The pain management treatment depends on the cause of the pain and the patient. Go in and speak to a pain management specialist to find the best procedure for you!

Common Causes

A doctor who specializes in pain management can help lessen a variety of issues. That means that no matter why you are in pain, you can get help. Here are common conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Cancer
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sciatica
  • Shingles
  • Scoliosis
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Face
  • Feet
  • Knees
  • Neck
  • Back
  • Pelvic Area
  • Degeneration Disc Disease
  • Herniated Disc
  • Vertebral Compression Fracture
  • Phantom Limb

You can find relief. Once you have talked with the doctor about what is causing your pain, you can start treatments.

Possible Relief

The only way the doctor can know how to relieve your pain is to know what is causing it. There are a lot of different treatments that are available. It is important to realize that what worked for one patient, may not work for all. That means that finding the procedure that works for you may not happen on your first visit to the doctor. At the clinic, you will be treated in a safe and caring environment with a unique combination of cutting edge treatments.

Call Today

If you feel like your lot in life is to be in constant pain, make sure to talk to a management doctor. That is not the norm. Get back to your normal self by undergoing pain management procedures to relieve pain from a variety of causes. Let the doctor help you stabilize and minimize your pain in order to increase your functionality.

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Treating Chronic Pain With Injections

Back Pain Sep 28, 2015 No Comments

Treating Chronic Pain With Injections | Comprehensive Pain Management Center

Pain management plans are typically individually designed and tailored based on the causes of your symptoms and on your overall health condition. One group of management techniques often used by practitioners is treatment through injections. Injections have the advantage of targeting the problem area directly without affecting the entire organism. There are several types of injections that your practitioner may use.

Facet Joint Treatment

If the source of your pain is in your facet joint, facet joint injections of anti-inflammatory steroids and long-lasting local anesthetic can provide relief that lasts for a long time. If the relief is effective but does not last long enough, facet rhizotomy injections may be a good alternative. Facet rhizotomy injections relieve pain by completely blocking the sensory nerve connected with the facet joint.

Steroid Injections

Another common treatment is the epidural steroid injection. A mix of long-acting local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory steroid is injected into the supporting tissue around the spine. If your condition includes lumbar or cervical radiculopathy, transforaminal epidural injection may also be needed together with the steroid injection. The mix of steroids, anesthetic and sometimes other pain reducing drugs is also used to treat pain in the sacroiliac joints via injection.

Nerve Root Treatment

Selective nerve root injections are used both for diagnostic purposes and for pain management when the source of nerve root pain needs to be pinpointed. There are two mechanisms for producing the nerve block via injection. The first uses a long-acting anesthetic to block the pain; if it proves effective, it has served its purpose in reducing pain and also located the source of the pain. The other way involves injecting a neurolytic such as alcohol or phenol, which destroys the targeted nerves.

Using injections to relieve pain on a long-term or permanent basis has several advantages. Injections often prove more effective than oral pain medications, because the pain relievers are administered directly to the problem site and are more concentrated. Relief also lasts longer, since the anesthetic and anti-inflammatory drugs used in injections are designed to be long-lasting. At the same time, injections are a far less risky and invasive option than surgery.

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Common Causes of Back Pain

Back Pain, Back Pain Causes Sep 09, 2015 No Comments

Common Causes of Back Pain | Comprehensove Pain Management Center

Back pain is a common problem. There are many different severity levels and causes, but most people suffer from some kind of back pain. Common causes of back pain are injuries, mechanical problems and conditions and diseases.


One of the most common causes of back pain is injuries. Whether it is from lifting something improperly, twisting your back wrong or falling, an injury can cause short lived or chronic back pain.

  • Sprains, or tears in ligaments that support the spine, are caused by twisting or lifting improperly.
  • Vertebrae can get fractured due to osteoporosis or falling.
  • Overall strain can be caused by accidents or falls.

Injuries can lead people to suffering.

Mechanical Problems

A mechanical problem means that it hurts when you move your spine in certain ways. This can be caused by a few different conditions.

  • Intervertebral disc degeneration is caused by age. The discs located between the vertebrae break down and lose their cushioning ability.
  • Isthmic spondylolisthesis occurs when vertebra slip forward.
  • Herniated discs, also called muscle spasms, muscle tension or ruptured discs, can be worsened by sitting.
  • Another mechanical problem is the wearing down of facet joints. Facet joints are the large joints that connect the vertebrae to another.

Each of these problems makes it hard to move. About two thirds of adults in the United States are affected by mechanical back problems.

Conditions and Diseases

Medical diseases or conditions can also lead to back pain.

  • Scoliosis, or the curvature of the spine, can start to cause back pain mid-life.
  • Arthritis can hurt joints in your spine as well as elsewhere.
  • Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal column. This puts pressure on the spine and the nerves.
  • Pregnancy can also cause back pain, but not usually chronic.

These medical conditions can be the cause of or lead to back pain.

Back pain is a common problem today. There are many different causes. If you are concerned about back pain, make sure to see a professional.

By Dr. James  Lin
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Infographic: Correct Lifting Posture

Back Pain, Pain Management Aug 06, 2015 No Comments

Review the infographic below to gain knowledge on correct lifting posture in order to avoid causing back pain when lifting heavy objects.

Correct Lifting Posture |

Common Reasons for Chronic Back Pain

Back Pain, Back Pain Causes Jul 24, 2015 1 Comment

Chronic Back Pain | ComprehensivePainManagementCenter.comNumerous people live with chronic back pain. This condition can become so debilitating that they are prevented from carrying out basic daily functions. In order to get your life back on track, you need to seek treatment from an experienced doctor. A medical professional will be able to identify the reasons for chronic back pain and recommend the best treatment. Trying to fix the problem on your own could only make the problem worse, so see a doctor as soon as possible.


One of the most common reasons for chronic back pain is due to some kind of outside injury. This can involve serious falls, car crashes or even just experiencing minor issues on a regular basis. These kinds of injuries can create strains on the back muscles, damage to the ligaments and even spinal fractures. Chances are you will be very aware when an injury has caused back problems, so a professional will be able to recommend the best treatment. Read more »


Comprehensive Pain Management Center